How to Help Avoid Fraud and Scams
The recent security breach at credit rating service Equifax brings home the reminder that each of us must be ever-vigilant in protecting our private information.1 It can be easy to become lackadaisical. We expect companies with which we conduct financial transactions to keep our data secure. Unfortunately, hackers seem to be advancing their skills…
Read MoreWorking Longer
Ah, the life questions we face. Young adults contemplate which college to attend and how that might affect their future. Women – and increasingly often, men – ponder whether to stay home and raise children, work or both. People contemplate job changes and relocations. And then, of course, a big question: When should I retire?…
Read MoreEconomic Growth Prospects for the Future
Are life-changing innovations a thing of the past in the United States? While today’s technology seems to advance in leaps and bounds, one economist believes it won’t change the fabric of the average American’s life the way inventions like electricity, indoor plumbing and the elevator did in the 20th century.1 Yes, the internet is an…
Read MoreWealth and Income: Some Tax Implications
What do Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mitt Romney all have in common? When they held public office, each accepted only $1 in annual compensation. President Trump also has chosen to forgo his pay, donating his first-quarter salary – minus an amount for taxes – to the National Parks Service.1 Taxes were deducted from the…
Read MoreMonitoring Insurance Needs Is a Good Policy
Life insurance is something you purchase, then hopefully don’t need to use until many years down the road. But that doesn’t mean you should stop paying attention to it. As you age, it’s important to monitor the policies you own. Some policies may no longer be needed, while others may be needed now more than…
Read MoreLegislative Updates
With so much attention focused on the rifts among and between political parties and the news media, it may seem as if little actual legislation is making its way through our democratic process. However, while President Trump’s major initiatives – Affordable Care Act repeal, tax reform and infrastructure improvements – haven’t been enacted, Trump has…
Read MoreRetirement Stages
What’s so difficult about planning for retirement? You save; you retire; you spend. If only it were that straightforward. Today’s pre-retirees and retirees have so much more to consider. Longer lifespans mean longer exposure to the possibility of inflation eroding your purchasing power. And then there are these concerns: – The global economy and its…
Read MoreGender Disparities in Retirement
Everywhere we turn, it seems, there’s an article or newscast about how women are at an economic disadvantage, especially regarding lower wages. Just imagine how much more women could contribute to economic growth if such disadvantages were eliminated. But we want to work toward counteracting some of those challenges, particularly where retirement income planning is…
Read MoreMaking Friends, Strengthening Relationships
In the early days of childhood, we start picking up communication skills that are continually developed throughout our lives. We make close friends, stay in touch with them and make sure we’re there for the people we care about. But during retirement, it may take more effort to maintain those friendships. It’s important to remember…
Read MoreRetirement: The New Status Symbol
A lack of savings among many U.S. households could mean a change in the perception of retirement. It used to be a foregone conclusion that once you were too old to work, you retired. That’s not always the case anymore. More than a third of U.S. households in prime earning years or later have no…
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